BusinessCode presents innovative solutions at the Leaders In Logistics Summit 2024 in Barcelona

BusinessCode presents innovative solutions at the Leaders In Logistics Summit 2024 in Barcelona

Bonn-based logistics digitization expert, BusinessCode, is participating in the esteemed Leaders In Logistics Summit 2024, taking place from March 12th to March 13th in Barcelona. The event brings together leading figures from the global e-commerce and logistics industry.

March 8, 2024 – BusinessCode, an expert in digitization and logistics solutions for over two decades, will showcase its latest developments and innovations. From unique insights to exclusive case studies and innovation showcases, the Leaders In Logistics Summit offers an excellent platform for exchanging ideas and networking with industry partners and customers.

“We are very excited to participate in an event like the Leaders In Logistics Summit,” says CEO Martin Schulze. “It provides us with the opportunity to present our innovative solutions to an international audience of executives, logistics service providers, retailers, and technology leaders.”

BusinessCode has established itself as a leading partner in modernizing the IT landscape for courier, express, and parcel services (CEP), counting renowned clients such as DHL Express and Aramex. Additionally, BusinessCode is a proud member of BIEK (Bundesverband Internationaler Express- und Kurierdienste e.V.). “Our extensive experience in the CEP sector enables us to offer tailor-made solutions that meet our customers’ requirements,” explains Schulze. “We specialize in optimizing efficiency and transparency in the supply chain and are proud to have esteemed companies like DHL Express and Aramex as our valued clients.”

“We look forward to showcasing our expertise in the CEP sector to a wide audience at the Leaders In Logistics Summit and are eager for stimulating discussions and new partnerships,” adds Global Sales Manager Usman Khan.

Interested visitors are cordially invited to meet BusinessCode in person at the Leaders In Logistics Summit 2024 in Barcelona and learn more about their innovative solutions.

For appointment inquiries, please contact:

Keywords:Aramex, Barcelona, BIEK, BusinessCode, CEO Martin Schulze, Clients: DHL Express, Courier, Digitalization expert, E-Commerce, Event, express, Leaders In Logistics Summit 2024, Logistics


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