Forbes Business Council welcomes Richard Breitengraser.

Forbes Business Council welcomes Richard Breitengraser.

Richard Breitengraser, CEO of VOID International Media Group, has been accepted as an official member of the Forbes Business Council.

Jersey City/Berlin, January 19, 2021 – “I am insanely excited and honored to be a part of the world’s leading Forbes” said Richard Breitengraser, CEO of VOID International Media Group on his inclusion in the internationally renowned Forbes Business Council. The Forbes Council is an expert network for successful industry leaders worldwide.

Richard Breitengraser was selected by a review committee based on the diversity and depth of his expertise. Admission criteria also include an exceptional track record, minimum seven-figure annual sales and demonstrated business growth, as well as personal and professional achievements and awards.

“We are honored to welcome such a creative leader as Richard Breitengraser to our community of excellent leaders,” said Scott Gerber, founder of Forbes Councils. “Our mission at Forbes is to bring together outstanding experts from every industry, create a curated and social network, and have an even greater impact on the business world.”

“As an expert in brands, storytelling and content, I’m excited to share my knowledge with the other experts and Forbes’ millions of readers. My first piece of advice: brands, platforms and broadcasters need to create more magical memory moments in the future. After all, “If there’s no memory, there’s no loyalty.” Richard Breitengraser, Forbes Council Member. Forbes Council Member.


Forbes Councils is a collective of invitation-only communities created in partnership with Forbes and the experts who founded the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC). Forbes Councils bring together exceptional business owners and leaders with the people and resources that can help them succeed.


VOID International Media Group (#VIMG) – A global network of creative and strategic leaders and young professional content creators. #VIMG creates a new kind of storytelling, made for all screens. Award-winning video content & digital campaigns for global brands, international platforms, broadcasters & leading agencies.


Richard Breitengraser has worked as an international television producer and presenter for more than 15 years. He is CEO and founder of VOID International Media Group. He also works globally as a content, brand and marketing expert and consultant.

Press contact:
VOID International Media Group
10117 Berlin, Germany

Keywords:Breitengraser, Forbes, VOID, VOID International Media Group, Video Content, Content Production, Agency, Hospitality, Travel, Real Estate, Branding, Content, Marketing, Content Marketing


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