Tipp Oil Light at the end of the tunnel

Tipp Oil Light at the end of the tunnel

Tipp Oil Light at the end of the tunnel

Light at the end of the tunnel

Sebastian Maier was awarded one of the most successful raw material traders and lubricant manufacturers 2023

“The lubricant manufacturer you can trust” is the slogan the
Tipp Oil Manufacturer has set itself this slogan as its goal. From engine oils to specialty lubricants to industrial lubricants, everything is offered here. The company, led by Sebastian Maier, focuses on efficiency, sustainability and the development of new energy sources.
Presumably, dear Mr. Maier, you are extremely busy in these times when so much revolves around the “ups and downs” of energy supply.

Sebastian Maier: You could say that.

Very often, a contrast is discussed between traditional forms of energy production on the one hand and sustainability on the other. How does that look for you?

We have received many international awards for our sustainability, especially for the quality of our environmental protection measures, for example from the European Union. Worldwide, we introduced the first deposit system within the petroleum industry, rebottling. With our plastic containers, efficient cleaning procedures bring the containers back into circulation without the use of chemicals. This not only saves costs, but is also energy-saving.

We are talking about containers in the order of a million.

Yes, with a production of around 100,000 per month. There was a 60 percent return rate at Corona. You can also see our dimensions from the fact that we are represented in 63 countries. We do not have any raw material problems due to our special technology. The lifespan of our containers is in the range of five years with regular use. They are very sustainable. Hence the awards.

Cleaning without chemicals, how can you imagine that?

It has also been well documented on ZDF. The canisters go into a cabin and are rinsed and washed through. As a trade secret, we do not publish the details, but the effects are clearly measurably positive in terms of savings, cleanliness and environmental protection.

For the energy sector, this is also part of global crisis management. That applies to oil anyway, but it now also applies to gas, to LNG.

Here, too, I can refer to media reports about our work, such as in WDR. An important factor here is also my personal motivation. Originally, I came from the raw materials industry, where I had 180 employees together with my co-director in London. Due to his health problems, we closed the company two and a half years ago. I am a member of a UN organization for our sector, studied International Business Management at university, then went into commodities trading. I was then impressed by a report, based among other things on statements by Markus S?der, that Bavaria had problems around the supply of gas. Since we are all in the same boat, I wanted to help. Inflation, increase in commodity prices, energy problems created a chain reaction, made worse by the war. I had already delivered 20,000 tons of LNG to Rotterdam, had and have some contracts with large corporations, see the WDR article on the delivery of propane gas since January. The small and medium-sized companies are hit the hardest in terms of prices. Here I can support. Also in the situation where the government has not always acted in their favor by buying energy at any price across the board after the Russia boycott. I, on the other hand, could and can have it delivered directly from the manufacturer at fair prices through my international network.
The reactions must have been very positive.

They were and they are. It was, of course, a major challenge for the companies, not least in terms of the question of how many reserves to build up in the future. Many felt burdened and left alone. Quite a few felt burdened and left alone, including by the government. Thanks to my good network, we are able to guarantee short contact and delivery routes, especially internationally.

And all this with a high level of expertise.
These and many years of experience are definitely part of it. Unfortunately, many decisions, especially in public institutions, proceed completely uncoordinated from each other. Especially in urgent crisis phases. This is devastating for small and medium-sized businesses. As a member of the Federal Economic Senate, I see it as one of my tasks to make a massive contribution to the joint solution of this and similar problems. The entire German economy stands and falls with small and medium-sized businesses.

Keywords:Tipp Oil, Engine Oils, Gas and Energy ,Hydraulic Oils, www.tippoil.com



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