Why is money taboo? – And how Iban Wallet can help

Why is money taboo? – And how Iban Wallet can help

There is a curious paradox that can be observed when money is considered. Everyone needs it, earns it and spends it – and yet, not so many people talk to each other about it.

Money discussions can feel uncomfortable, as if it is used as some sort of measure of personal worth. For if a person doesn”t have enough money, they could be seen as “dumb, lazy, or irresponsible”; having lots of it, conversely, can paint of picture of someone being “greedy, rude, or snobby”, as put by Meghan Lurtz, financial psychology consultant.

This, of course, becomes a barrier of itself for people to improve their financial situation: the less it is talked about, the less interest it is likely to attract, as the subject is pushed to the sidelines of one”s mind. It”s easier to imagine talking to friends about a restaurant with great delivery service than introducing them to a financial marketplace that is easy to use, with investment products with rates up to 6%, and now with featured solutions on the side of business loans and money transfers – such as Iban Wallet.

According to a study from BlackRock, 15% of people don”t talk to anyone before making major financial decisions; 30% are not confident about making decisions about saving; and 49% are not confident about making investing decisions. It is a picture of a very present matter to be addressed, but still encased in obscurity.

What can be done about this?

It should be kept in mind that starting to discuss financial subjects more openly is not the goal, but the way to achieve it. By building an environment where people feel safe and comfortable addressing these topics, information can be shared more easily. This information becomes a tool more people can use to improve their personal finances.

Sharing one”s experience can be extremely beneficial, too. While discussing financial services may not seem so obvious, recommendations from friends and family is still the number one source of trusted information when choosing a brand or service – for as much as 93% of people.

As with anything, starting small and taking a step-by-step approach is an effective way to build on this. So let”s say that someone believes a friend may benefit from the investments found at Iban Wallet”s marketplace. They may mention how easy it is to get started, how they could get projected interest rates starting at 2.5% from just EUR1, and that they could make a withdrawal request at any moment, while getting the option of paying no commissions or fees.

There is something else they could use in order to help their friend get on the right track. Because talking about money issues can be a bit hard, Iban Wallet makes it easier to do so with a referral program, granting both referrer and referee the chance to get a reward. This could be up to EUR50 per person, and up to EUR250 total. You can read all about it here.

This can be a great way to introduce someone to easy-to-use financial products to take their money further. After all, who doesn”t want to get more potential earnings? It”s win-win for both sides, making the introduction that much more natural.

Granting people more access to financial products is what Iban Wallet is all about, and making the discussion easier is part of that mission. Because the more people join the conversation, the more everyone can grow together.

Keywords:investment, fintech, new buisness , start up



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